Katina Pennier, Nancy Pennier, Philamina Hulbert, Betty Charlie, and Kate Hennessy, TK Workshop, November 2014
Natasha Lyons, Philamina Hulbert, Nancy Pennier, Jane Anderson (behind), Kat Pennier, and Reg Phillips, TK Workshop, November 2014
Atawni Hall, Aleska Conlin, Glenn and Lucille Hall, 2015
Golden Eagles Canoe Club, 2014
Joey Chapman, Chrystal Williams, and Alicia Point (back), Kate Hennessy with Chrystal-Lee Williams, Yvonne Hall, and Mary Ann Hall, Verification Workshop, May 2015
John Williams Sr., Natasha Lyons, and Allen (Baldy) Williams, Verification Workshop, May 2015
Concept Workshop at Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre, February 2014
Kate Hennessy, Dave Schaepe, and Kyle McIntosh discussing Alicia Point's sturgeon logo, 2014
Vi Pennier, Kyle McIntosh, Sonny McHalsie, Monica and Ken Caouette, Qithyil Site Visit, May 2014
Doug Brown (with Kate Hennessy and Kyle McIntosh) talking about Qithyil history on site visit, May 2014
Mike Blake, Sonny McHalsie, and Doug Brown on Qithyil Site Visit, May 2014
The blue Harrison River feeding into the muddy Fraser River
Aynur Kadir films Sonny McHalsie at Qithyil, May 2014
Sonny McHalsie brushing off Irine Prastio after the Qithyil Site Visit, May 2014
Sonny Williams cutting up fish, May 2014
Aynur Kadir filming Sonny Williams cutting fish, May 2014
Chrystal Williams being filmed with her daughter Lauryanna, Youth & Elders Camp, August 2014
Chrystal Williams with her son Tommy and daughter Myrna, Youth & Elders Camp, August 2014
Soccer match at Youth & Elders Camp: Pearl Hare, Joey Chapman, CJ Hare, Gerald Charlie, Noah Grey, Cory Charlie, and Sonny Williams, August 2014
Gwen Point telling Mimoux story, Youth & Elders Camp, August 2014
Youth & Elders Camp: Brandy Charlie, Fran Charlie, Miranda and Tyson Charlie Beckstrom, Sarah Penny, Sheridan Conlin Jr., Kaitlyn Phillips, Ernest Andrew, Noah Grey, Skylar Manitobanis, Chelsea Grey (back L to R); Joey and Mackenzie Chapman, and Steven Terry (front L to R), August 2014
Soccer match at Youth & Elders Camp, August 2014
Reg Phillips drumming to honour our meal, Youth & Elders Camp, August 2014
Sonny McHalsie's place names tour, Youth & Elders Camp, August 2014
Chehalis Golden Eagles Soccer Team: (former Sqewlets chiefs with asterisks) Wayne Williams, Russell Point, Tim Leon, Brian Charlie, John Pennier*, Reg Phillips, Duke [?], Lloyd Charlie, Ralph Chapman, Coach Joe Pennier Hall* (Back L to R); Melvin Butch Pennier, Les Antone, John Antone, Kat Pennier*, Roddy Leon, Ed Leon, and Richard Charlie (Front L to R), 1978. This team won the All-Native Olympia Championship held that year at University of Victoria.