Sxwōxwiyám View from the Qithyil Site

Legend: Viewshed Skiwxo:mexws Analyis
- Qithyil
- Skiwxo:mexws (Des lieux des sxwōxwiyám)
- Stó:lo
- Xomó:th'iya
- Skw'ikw'ets'tel
- Kw'ekw'e'í:qw
- Sqwemá:y
- Lhilheqey
- Lhílheqey’s Sisters
- Óyewot
- S'óyewot
- Qithyil Site
Stó:lō means river. Since it is used for the Fraser, the most important river in Stó:lō culture, some sources give the meaning as River of Rivers. It can be used for any river, but by default speakers use it to refer to the Fraser river.
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This is a small peak next to Mount Cheam, the youngest sister of Lhílheqey, who cries. The root is x_á:m - to cry, with the ending -iya ending (literally 'dear'). The ending -iya is common in female names.
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The literal meaning of Skw'ikw'ets'tel is 'butchering tools' or 'fish butchering device'. Some sources give the meaning as 'cut fish'.
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The name means 'fish heads sticking up or 'heads sticking up'. One Elder comments 'so called because you go over a hump of hill and slide down the other side face up' (in Dictionary of Upriver Halkomelem).
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The name may come from the root lhélqi - soak fish, meat, or berries (i.e. rehydrate food). Some Elders give an alternative meaning: that the name means glacier.
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Lhílheqey’s Sisters
The general term for Lhílheqey's sisters would be ye el'álexs the Lhílheqey (literally the siblings of Lhílheqey).
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No clear root is identifiable here, though the name may be based on the root óy, associated with slowness and delay.
Sxwōxwiyám View From the Sq’éwlets Band Office

Legend: Viewshed Skiwxo:mexws Analyis
- Sq’éwlets Band Office
- Skiwxo:mexws (Placenames)
- Kw'ekw'e'í:qw
- Óyewot
- Xomó:th'iya
- S'óyewot
- Sqwemá:y
- Lhilheqey
- Lhílheqey’s Sisters
- Sq’éwlets Band Office
The name means 'fish heads sticking up' or 'heads sticking up'. One Elder comments 'so called because you go over a hump of hill and slide down the other side face up' (in Dictionary of Upriver Halkomelem).
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No clear root is identifiable here, though the name may be based on the root óy, associated with slowness and delay.
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This is a small peak next to Mount Cheam, the youngest sister of Lhílheqey, who cries. The root is x_á:m - to cry, with the ending -iya ending (literally 'dear'). The ending -iya is common in female names.
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The name may come from the root lhélqi - soak fish, meat, or berries (i.e. rehydrate food). Some Elders give an alternative meaning: that the name means glacier.
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Lhílheqey’s Sisters
The general term for Lhílheqey's sisters would be ye el'álexs the Lhílheqey (literally the siblings of Lhílheqey).